Thomas McAuley:
UI/UX Designer & Visual Strategist

Design Articles 

Welcome to my collection of design articles, where I share insights from my work across video game UI/UX, app design, creative direction, branding, and graphic design. Each piece explores unique challenges, methodologies, and processes, offering valuable perspectives for professionals, clients, and aspiring designers. Discover how my diverse skills combine to create user-centered, innovative solutions that inspire and captivate.

Feel free to phone, email, or find me on LinkedIn. But if you just want to know a little more about my, click the button.

No Gallery, But I Do That, Too

No Gallery, But I Do That, Too

You've clicked on a portfolio that I haven't gotten to. Not to worry. Chances are, I do that, too.With decades of design experience across a huge array of industries and projects, there's little I haven't touched. Chances are that I can do whatever you need and/or...

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Bad Design and Bad Design Experiences

Bad Design and Bad Design Experiences

Bad Design Is Everywhere Bad players in business are like foxes, smiling and promising while hiding plans to eat your tasty chicken body. In this analogy, I'm the faithful farm dog who dedicates itself to protecting you from those foxes.I believe most graphic...

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Poster Design

Poster Design

Poster Design Gallery Posters are big, colorful, attention-grabbing and relatively inexpensive to product. However, the particulars of their design and production present unique challenges best left to a professional. Regarding design, amateurs or less-experienced...

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Trade Show Design

Trade Show Design

Trade Show Design GalleryTrade shows are an important opportunity to promote a focused campaign that introduces and highlights your company's headline product or service. Depending upon the event, your needs might fall anywhere from just a simple web ad all the way to...

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Infographic Design

Infographic Design

Infographic Design GalleryInfographics have been a popular print product for decades, most commonly as intricate poster-sized pieces that speak to a seeming human hunger to see data organized and visualized in color and bold lines. With the advent of the Internet,...

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Advertisement Design

Advertisement Design

Advertisement Design GalleryEveryone is familiar with advertisements. This fact is both an advantage and a disadvantage to a designer.On one hand, needs and expectations can be communicated quickly and clearly. On the other hand, that familiarity and ease can lead...

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Publication Design

Publication Design

Publication Design GalleryPublication Design is any print or digital multi-page document (white papers, annual reports, booklets, catalogs, ebooks, interactive fiction, etc.). Because of their size and being spread across many pages, publications require more...

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Stationery Design

Stationery Design

Business Card Design & Stationery Design Gallery In this digital world, one might expect printed anything to be passé at best, if not outright obsolete. But printed stationery design is still a not only a thing: it's a necessity. Digital stationery isn't a...

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Brochures and Handouts

Brochures and Handouts

Brochure and Handout GalleryBrochures and hand-outs share many aspects with other effective marketing design pieces. They're similar to flyers in that they are left behind to catch viewers' eyes. They're like sales sheets in their capacity to convey a lot of detailed...

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