Thomas McAuley:
UI/UX Designer & Visual Strategist
Design Articles
Welcome to my collection of design articles, where I share insights from my work across video game UI/UX, app design, creative direction, branding, and graphic design. Each piece explores unique challenges, methodologies, and processes, offering valuable perspectives for professionals, clients, and aspiring designers. Discover how my diverse skills combine to create user-centered, innovative solutions that inspire and captivate.
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Postcards and Flyers
Postcard, Flyer, and Card Design GalleryPostcards and flyers differ from other types of advertisement in that they often will be viewed "cold", meaning they won't be handed directly to a prospective client—besides band promotion and protests —but be viewed without...
Graphical Elements
Graphical Elements Design Gallery Graphical elements are usually graphics that are functional, utilitarian, or supportive in nature. That is not to say they are unimportant. They are the backup singers, the hidden heroes, of the design world and should be given the...
Billboard Design
Billboard Design: Special graphic design considerations At a glance, billboard design appears to be a seems simple task. But that is an illusion. And there are considerations unique to billboard design at every point in order to achieve that illusion of...
Environmental Design
Environmental Design encompasses any design that connects people to places, including everything from graphic design to architecture to landscape. However, at Company Man Design, we're concerned with the graphical side of things, such as interior and exterior signage...
Signage Design
Signage and signage systems may seem like a simple affair. But because much of it works well in our lives, we may find that we take it all for granted. But undertaking signage is not only expensive from a production standpoint but it is also surprisingly...
Branded Merchandise
Branded Merchandise GalleryThe difficulty with designing branded merchandise isn't only that the designer has to think three-dimensionally where he/she is probably more accustomed to designing for the two-dimensional page or screen: it's that they don't do it every...
Packaging Design
Packaging design—the design of boxes, bottles, stickers, wraps, and more—presents a couple unique challenges to a designer.The design normal considerations apply:Creating a strong, attention-grabbing designShowcasing the client's corporate identitySelling the...
Vehicle Wraps
Vehicle wrap graphics are a unique design animal in their 3-dimensional nature and in the high irregularity and variation of the designed surface. An additional challenge is, similar to billboard design, to ensure message is brief and clearly visible because viewing...
Video Production: Client-Perspective Basics in 6 Easy Steps
Video Production Design: Understanding the Process From a Client's Perspective It Much More Than Cutting-Edge Video Cameras and Video Editing Software Video production design involves so much more than an expensive camera, lighting, and editing software on a speedy...
Writing Services
Second only to my love of graphic and web design has been my love of writing. Fortunately, solid writing skills combined with marketing and design sensibilities results in a one-stop-shop for good marketing copy. As a lover of both effective marketing and well-chosen...
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