ux/ui, graphic design, creative direction


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Sales Sheets, Case Studies, etc.

Sales Sheets, Case Studies, etc.

Sales Sheet Design Gallery The simple 8 1/2 x 11 sheet remains one of the most-utilized media for direct and indirect marketing. It’s hand-held and immediate and if designed well can store a wealth of information, images, and contact information. Sales Sheets...
Publication Design

Publication Design

Publication Design GalleryPublication Design is any print or digital multi-page document (white papers, annual reports, booklets, catalogs, ebooks, interactive fiction, etc.). Because of their size and being spread across many pages, publications require more...
Stationery Design

Stationery Design

Business Card Design & Stationery Design Gallery In this digital world, one might expect printed anything to be passé at best, if not outright obsolete. But printed stationery design is still a not only a thing: it’s a necessity. Digital stationery...
Brochures and Handouts

Brochures and Handouts

Brochure and Handout GalleryBrochures and hand-outs share many aspects with other effective marketing design pieces. They’re similar to flyers in that they are left behind to catch viewers’ eyes. They’re like sales sheets in their capacity to convey...
Postcards and Flyers

Postcards and Flyers

Postcard, Flyer, and Card Design GalleryPostcards and flyers differ from other types of advertisement in that they often will be viewed “cold”, meaning they won’t be handed directly to a prospective client—besides band promotion and protests —but be...